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Portraits of Flowers

The Roman philosopher Seneca once said: “Luck is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity.”

Every year since my daughters were born, we visited my parents-in-law in the summer. I always admired my mother-in-law’s collection of old glass bottles siting in a window, thinking I could make interesting prints with them. A few years ago, we moved to their town so my mind started wandering about photographing them, but never with much success. On a spring day, my wife visited our friend and neighbor, who was in the garden caring for her roses. The beauty of the roses flabbergasted my wife so our friend cut a rose branch and gave it to her. Back at our home, she placed the flowers in an apothecary bottle, knowing about my idea and thinking it could be a source of inspiration. Meanwhile I was in my studio preparing a batch of silver gelatin glass plate for another project I had in mind, and when I saw the flowers and the vase I thought it would be a great subject to test the plates. I pulled an old wooden table in our attic and placed it by the only window in the room. This was Rosa Mundi, and the answer I was finally waiting for.

2 limited editions available:

platinum-palladium print on handmade Japanese gampi
35 x 28 cm (48 x 40 cm) / 14 x 11” (19 x 16")
Limited edition of 8 + AP

Chine-collé platinum-palladium print on handmade Japanese gampi
50 x 40 cm (77 x 57 cm) / 20 x 16" (30 x 22”)
Limited edition of 5 + AP


- Portraits of Flowers -

The Roman philosopher Seneca once said: “Luck is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity.”

Every year since my daughters were born, we visited my parents-in-law in the summer. I always admired my mother-in-law’s collection of old glass bottles siting in a window, thinking I could make interesting prints with them. A few years ago, we moved to their town so my mind started wandering about photographing them, but never with much success. On a spring day, my wife visited our friend and neighbor, who was in the garden caring for her roses. The beauty of the roses flabbergasted my wife so our friend cut a rose branch and gave it to her. Back at our home, she placed the flowers in an apothecary bottle, knowing about my idea and thinking it could be a source of inspiration. Meanwhile I was in my studio preparing a batch of silver gelatin glass plate for another project I had in mind, and when I saw the flowers and the vase I thought it would be a great subject to test the plates. I pulled an old wooden table in our attic and placed it by the only window in the room. This was Rosa Mundi, and the answer I was finally waiting for.

Installation view - walnut frames with museum glass, small: 50x60cm (approx. 20x24in) & large: 60x80cm (approx. 24x31in).